Haywards Farm School is owned by Amegreen Education Limited. The schools Proprietors are Rachel Redgwell and Gary Carlin who are also Directors of Amegreen Education.
The Education Directorate was formed by the Directors and are a team of three skilled, passionate and driven individuals with a passion for improving education and care for children from disadvantaged backgrounds and special needs.
Rachel and Gary have experience and knowledge in Education, Social Care and Therapy, which has spun for more than 40 years. Not only do they possess a strong sense of justice when it comes to children’s care, education and safeguarding, but their passion for improving children’s outcomes is relentless. They have a deep care for the education and welfare of the children in their care and this is reflected in the setup of Haywards Farm School.
All are available to be contacted using the details above, which are the same for during term time and the school holidays.
The school has its own dedicated management team, under the leadership of the HeadTeacher. The management team are infrastructurally supported by Amegreen Education for functions including; IT, Human Resources, Finance, and Quality and Compliance.
The overseeing of the school's quality of education is provided by an Education Governance Board. This is an encompassment of Directors, Company staff representatives All of which supports insightful self -evaluation by the school, recognising for challenge and supporting the steps needed to make decisions for the best interest of the pupils, staff and the school functions as a whole.
The Directors have written an introductory biography in a way of introducing their expertise, bringing confidence for those who are entrusting their children in their care.